Yesterday was a torrential rain day. I never got out of my pajamas and I spent far too much time playing Candy Crush (for the first time in years).

At about 6PM, I thought, “I have wasted my day! I should…” and then I stopped myself. A decade ago, I could easily have taken a rainy Sunday as a chance to do nothing much. To watch some television, putter around the house, play some video games, maybe read a book. At 6PM, I might have felt guilty enough about my laziness to throw a load of laundry in the washer, but I might not have, too.

Somehow life in a van and, I suppose, self-employment makes me feel like I have to do things every day. All the things. I have to run errands and write words and go for good walks and check social media and answer email and read books and work on becoming a better meditator/photographer/cover designer/inspiration of the day…

But yesterday was just a lazy day. It was chilly and wet and the van was cozy and it was nice to be snuggled under the covers with Zelda on my feet. And I have no regrets. As I look at my week ahead — a busy week, which I expect to end in some other state, maybe Texas by next Monday? — I’m glad that I appreciated my rainy day as an opportunity to do nothing.

And now, to do all the things…

This peacock was hanging out on the playground down the street. I love Florida.