Every day my computer chooses a different picture to put as my background picture. I’m pretty sure they’re from images that I drop into a folder labeled “Background Pictures” every now and then, which I think I set up somewhere in the settings back when I first got this computer, several years ago. But every morning, I get to be surprised by the picture that shows up. This morning’s picture is from diamond mining in Arkansas.

Yesterday’s was the black bear spotted on the day of the eclipse in Washington State. There was also an interesting bird this week, which I’m pretty sure was a picture I took in Sarasota, and a tree that I didn’t remember at all. It was a pretty tree, though.
Last year, I did an end of year double-post, with a picture for each month. (First half of the year: Second half of the year.) Not necessarily the picture that represented the month in any way, just an image that I hadn’t previously posted that struck me as a good photo. I was thinking about doing the same thing for this year, except I felt like it wasn’t such an interesting year and that I didn’t take as many photos. When I think back on the year, the first thing that I think about is Bartleby and missing him. In fact, if you asked me about 2018, I would say that it was a lot of boring doctor visits for me that turned out to be nothing, and a ton of horrible vet visits for the dogs that were never nothing.
I would be so very wrong. Well, not about the doctor visits and the vet visits, but about that being the sum total of the year. The year was also driving the Natchez Trace, snow and hot springs in Arkansas, sunshine and the costumed college graduation in Sarasota, open spaces in Ohio, blueberries, Vermont, driving through Canada, the gorgeous Prince Edward Island & Nova Scotia, friends and family in Massachusetts, and then a whole bunch of peaceful Florida time.
With the exception of Canada, though, from which I have an insane number of beautiful sunset shots over the ocean, not so many good photographs. I am still going to do a post or two of the best photos of 2018 for me, but I’m not choosing from a position of crazy abundance this year. This does, however, set me up for my very first New Year’s Resolution for 2019: take more photographs!
In 2017, I was taking a photo a day, every day, as a mindfulness exercise that reminded me to look for the beauty in wherever I was. I let go of it in 2018 (along with all my other daily tasks), because I felt like I was overwhelming myself with rules, things that I had to do all the time, and turning my life into a to-do list. But I think I want to bring at least a few of those daily tasks back into my life because it’s really much too easy to get lost in the business of living and forget to savor it as it happens.
This morning, I tried to take photos of the full moon setting over the park. None of them turned out, because I was using my phone and the camera on the phone really can’t cope with moon shots. But Z and I were walking right at dawn, the full moon was huge and white, the air was so crisp (42 degrees) that I was wearing my eggplant coat and feeling grateful for it, and some of the neighbors still had their Christmas lights on and sparkling. It was so beautiful that I started singing “Joy to the World” — and then someone else walking their dog appeared and I shut up, embarrassed to be singing. But I hope at some future day I reread this post and remember that feeling. It was a very good feeling. And I wish I had a photo that could evoke it for you!
I play a short Christmas song/video every morning … it’s addictive … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9sKpDSAQ7I&feature=youtu.be but I love it! Have a very Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Year’s. Blessings to you and yours.
I’ve been listening to Amazon Music’s various Christmas stations for the past few days. Time to enjoy the season! May you also have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year and many blessings to you and your family!
I’ve said it before I think, but thankyou for sharing your life with us . The good, the bad, the interesting and unusual, and the beautiful pictures. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Thank you for joining me on my journey! And Merry Christmas to you and yours, as well!
Sounds like a wonderful morning. I know it was a good year except for the loss of B because you so often take us with you. Thanks for that. Happy holidays.
Happy Holidays to you, too! I hope you have a good day and that your daughter is doing better, so you call all enjoy the holiday together!
Happy New Year to you and yours!
BTW: I just finished Cici, and it was a delight. But when I went to post a review on GoodReads, I noticed that there is no connection there between Sarah Wynde, the author of Tassamara series and S.J. Wynde, the author of Cici. I wonder if it was intentional?
It was not intentional. I did the second name mostly so people who read Tassamara would understand a difference between the genres — I don’t like to disappoint people and I know romance readers want romance! — but I don’t know how goodreads links them. I’ll check and see if I can connect them somehow. And I am so glad to hear you liked Cici! I’m still feeling lots of love for her myself, she just makes me laugh.
Turns out Goodreads doesn’t let you easily use multiple pen names. I will have to try to add the Sarah name as an author to Cici (which is how it is at the retailers, so should be fine.) Thanks!
I ordered a paperback copy of Cici as a neighborhood Christmas present to leave in the little free library at our park. But I will be sorely tempted to keep it myself once it gets here.
Oh, very cool! I got the first paperback right before Christmas and gave it away for a Christmas present, but I promptly ordered five more copies so I can give them away, too. I’ve never done that with a book before, but I like Cici.
Anyway, I did the matte finish on the cover more or less by accident — it was what Amazon set as the default and I didn’t realize that I had usually done glossy covers before — but I really liked it. You’ll have to let me know what you think and whether you think I should try the gloss finish.
I finally had some free time to read CICI. What a wonderful book! I loved it! I would love to read more about Cici and The Curator, and Romeo and Randall and Thunder and Lightning. The worlds and the characters soooo…….good……..! I would like to read more of Cici, I liked her so much, but I begin to believe you can only write when challenged by yourself and returning to places and characters you have written before may be boring and blocking your immagination. Whatever works for you, I am on board to buy it and read it.
Aw, thank you so much! I’m so glad you liked her, but I also very, very much appreciate the encouragement to write whatever! As a reader, I understand the appeal of revisiting places that I love, but as a writer, I do like finding new worlds. Although that said, I really loved Cici and she was tremendously fun to write, so I’m definitely not ruling out more in that universe.
Sarah, your posts and photos are a reminder to enjoy the “little things” in life. I so enjoy reading your blog. May the joy of the seemingly mundane daily life continue to bring sparkle to your new year!
Thank you! That’s such a lovely way of phrasing what is truly my goal — to have my life sparkle with mundane joys! And I wish the same for you!