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sunset in Trimble Park, Mount Dora, FL
Sunset at Trimble Park, Mount Dora, FL. January 2018
A flowering tree in Sarasota
Flowering tree in Sarasota, FL. February 2018
Stairs at Cloud Canyon Park in Georgia
Stairs in Cloud Canyon Park, Georgia. March, 2018. (We did not go down these stairs. The holes in the grid are big enough that Z’s feet slipped through, which was sort of terrifying. I was sure she was going to break her leg before I could rescue her!)
Sunset in Arkansas with bare trees
Sunset in Arkansas, April 2018. It was freezing cold that day, with hints of white flakes falling from the sky. The bare trees were so beautiful, though!
An iris in Allentown, PA. May, 2018. (That is an iris, isn’t it? It’s a beautiful flower, one way or another!)
A deer in Ohio.
Clearly wilderness, right? But this was a park in Ohio, which is not exactly the first state I think of when it comes to wilderness! June, 2018.