So, I finished the first draft of A Lonely Magic last night. 49 days since I started. Whee!
Conventional writer wisdom says to put the draft away for a month or so to give yourself time to get a fresh perspective. I’m hoping to last a week. I’m already itching to dig into the revisions. There are things that I know need fixing, parts that I want to expand upon, threads that slipped away–and I haven’t even read the complete manuscript yet. But I’m going to try to give it a week.
So one of the things that I’ve been wanting to do is write a short story or a missing scene to give away to mailing list subscribers. I think that’d be a worthy way to spend a week. I know it should be set in Tassamara but I have more ideas than I know what to do with, so I thought I’d throw some options out there:
1) Dillon helping out Sylvie and Lucas.
2) Maggie’s arrival in Tassamara.
3) A wedding scene, possibly when Akira throws up on the minister at the reception.
4) A wedding scene, possibly Mitchell and Michael blaming one another for losing the ring at Natalya’s wedding.
5) The boys’ discovery that a ghost is haunting their movie theater.
Is there a character that you want to learn more about or see again? Share here or on Facebook!
Haunted Movie Theater please!
Maggie! I want an entire book about Maggie. 😀
Hi Sarah, Congratulations on finishing the first draft! That is a good achievement. I go with Maggie arriving…
Maggie, please! But any of them would be good. If you did all five at one per week, you’d have your month plus away from ALM.
Second thoughts; the haunted movie theatre. I want Maggie to have her own book too. So do the other four for you month. lol
They all sound good. I’m thinking Maggie will probably require a whole book if you can ever get her out of the kitchen. Haunted movie theatre and/or a Rose story.
Congratulations on getting the first draft completed so quickly. I’ve really enjoyed what I’ve had an opportunity to read on wattpad.
Congratulations on the first draft, Sarah. You should be proud of the milestone 🙂
I vote for… damn! They all sound appealing but Akira throwing up on the minister might just make my day. I’m dying to read more of Sylvie and Lucas too. I’d love to see them at their own wedding and maybe another child. Do you have anything planned for them?
Talk about hard choices. Those all seem good. I guess if I were forced to choose – a new ghost haunting the movie theatre sounds like fun.
Maggie arriving is winning (ie, is in the process of being written.) Don’t worry, it won’t interfere with her book someday. It’s set back in the past. But I’ll keep the haunted movie theater in the back of my head to do next!
And Rachel, no, I don’t have anything specific planned for Sylvie and Lucas, but I’m glad you liked them enough to want to see some more of them! One of the reasons why I spent so long struggling with A Gift of Time is that Sylvie kept taking over. 🙂 I had to finally write them out entirely in order to let Natalya have center stage.