I started to transcribe this conversation and then thought I was unfairly misrepresenting myself, because I was automatically correcting my punctuation and capitalization, and of course I don’t properly punctuate texts. Does anyone? But the misplaced apostrophe in her name does pain me. It’s Martha Wells, not Martha Well.
Anyway, I’ve decided I like reviews by text: succinct, to the point, not very organized, but covering the most relevant details. Which, in the case of Murderbot, includes the fact that I would rather be rereading them than doing much of anything else, so I think I’ll go do that. 🙂
I just finished binge reading the series , I also thought they were comforting to read in these depressing times.
Despite the darker elements — Murderbot is, after all, from a universe which practices a truly horrifying kind of slavery and there are very bad guys, no question about that — they contain an innate optimism. And a belief in the future! Also Murderbot has a very engaging sensibility. I love them.
Never heard of her, but she sounds like something I need to own/read. Off to spend $$. LOL Thanks!
I think you’d like her. Definitely science fiction, but with very strong characterizations. I am thinking of you and sending you positive thoughts for well-being every day! And I hope she distracts you nicely during the upcoming days of waiting.
I read All Systems Red and Artificial Condition. Fascinating concept, well executed but the whiny voice of the (robot) protagonist annoyed me enough that I never went to #3.
I wouldn’t have thought them your thing, really. That was your problem with Fen, too, wasn’t it? Whiny protagonist? But if we all liked the same thing, the world would be a boring place!