Long before I read my first romance — literally, years before I read my first romance — I’d read my first, second, third, and probably five hundredth fantasy or science fiction novel. My dad gave me Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonflight (Dragonriders of Pern – Volume 1) when I was maybe seven or eight, and I never looked back. So when RWA (the Romance Writers of America) was going up in flames during the holidays, and Mary Robinette Kowal, the current president of SFWA (the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America), tweeted:

I was honestly thrilled. Joining RWA was practical, an attempt to get better at the business side of writing, and I didn’t bother to renew my membership after a year. Joining SFWA, on the other hand, was a dream come true for my twelve-year-old self.
Of course, once I’d joined, I didn’t exactly know what to do with my membership. I thought maybe I’d be active on their forums, but I actually felt too shy to comment there. I wanted to vote in the Nebula awards, but between the pandemic and my cross-country trip, I didn’t have time to read all the nominees. I thought about attending the annual conference, hoping to meet some fellow writers, but it moved online because of the pandemic and so… yeah, not gonna happen. But I read the newsletter when it arrives in my inbox, and when one of them mentioned that they were accepting submissions for a story bundle on fantastic beasts, I thought, “Well, Cici?”
I clicked the link, submitted Cici and the Curator, and then promptly forgot about it, because pandemic, heartbreak, life in turmoil, the usual. (Ha.) But I was delighted — really, so thrilled! — when I got an email a while later saying Cici had been accepted.
If you’re unfamiliar with Story Bundles, they’re collections of books, available for a limited time, at a somewhat set-your-own price. I say “somewhat” because the minimum price is $5 for five books, or $15 for 15 books, but that’s a great deal. If you’d like to support authors or the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association, you’re invited to contribute more, but that’s up to you. The SFWA Fantastic Beasts bundle is a curated bundle, with titles selected by members of the SFWA, and I’m incredibly flattered that Cici is in the collection, along with titles by best-selling authors like Thea Harrison and Lindsay Buroker, award-winning authors like Susan Forest and Douglas Smith, and a whole bunch more.
I know if you’re reading this blog post, you’ve probably read Cici already — or at least decided that you’re completely uninterested in reading it. But if you like science fiction or fantasy at all, I hope you’ll consider giving the bundle a try. $15 is a really good price for fifteen books and now is a really fine time to support authors.

It’s actually $20, but still a fantastic bargain!! I’ve read Ceci, and loved it. I’m so very happy for you! This is great news!! Thank you for entering Ceci! I know other people will love her!
I’m pretty sure you can slide that price point down but I’ll check and update my post if I need to. Thanks for looking at it!
You’re right — it just came up at $20 and after playing with the slide a bit, I put it back at $20 and went with that. I’m not all that sure that I’ve downloaded them correctly, but I’m not worried. Just need to go verify…
Thank you! I hope you like the books!
Congratulations !!!!!! Cici is so deserving!
Thank you!
The story that came through you during nanowrimo. Amazing. I’m so happy for you.
It’s $5 for the basic bundle on storybundle. $20 gets you the basic + bonus books. “Cici” is part of the basic bundle. I bought the whole thing but read “Cici” first. It was charming and delightful so I went in search of other books and found A Lonely Magic was a free download. I just finished reading that. Now I’m a fan. I read your blog post here: https://www.rozellepress.com/2020/04/01/april-2020-update/. I can’t even imagine how hard it must be to keep the faith in today’s book market. I did my part by posting reviews on amazon and kobo. I really never, ever make comments to authors directly but I wanted to let you know how very much I enjoyed “A Lonely Magic.” “Cici” was warm and has a smash ending. I recommended it to my daughter (age 11) who probably won’t read it since the recommendation came from mom. But “A Lonely Magic” is knock your socks off good. Now I’m off to read A Precarious Magic. I have to say, if you write more Sia Mara stories, I will read them all.
Oh, thank you so much! What a really lovely comment — you have brightened my day enormously! And motivated me to get back to that Cici sequel that is sitting on my desktop. 🙂