I’m feeling stressed this morning. It feels like there are so many things I should be doing, so much stuff to get done, and I’m not getting to any of it. I’d list it all out — a formal letter to get my rights reverted on the Spanish translation, investigate cheaper website hosting, first edit pass on APM, etc, etc, etc. — but the complete list would keep going and going, and it would make me more stressed. Instead, I’m going to breathe and remember the reasons why I’ve fallen behind.
I spent the first weekend of November camping with my niece at Lake Louisa. We used my camping chairs, ate good food, talked a ton, went to a writer’s event with my friend Lynda, built a campfire and toasted ghost-shaped marshmallows, and finished up by having Sunday brunch with my dad and stepmom. My clearest memory of the weekend, already a week later, is sitting in the camping chairs, watching the sky changing colors as the sun set and we talked about what it means to take charge of your own life.

Back in Sanford, at Christina’s house, I played games with C & co (her boyfriend & their sons). My favorite is definitely Song Pop Party, an Apple TV song recognition game that I’m terrible at but that I truly enjoy. We also played some Super Fight and some Azul. And we spent a full day playing Arkham Horror, including brunch in the morning with home-made hashbrowns and eggs, and pizza in the late afternoon. We knew it was going to take hours to play the game — it’s that kind of game — so it was a planned experience, but I think I am not someone who wants to play ten-hour games. It was moments of fun interspersed with much rules confusion and a fair amount of frustration. We did win in the end (it’s a cooperative game), but I would have accepted a loss quite contentedly if it came about four hours sooner.
On Thursday, I left Sanford to visit my friend Joyce in Casselberry. Our plan was to write, write, write. Instead we wrote a little, talked a lot, walked the dog, and enjoyed one another’s company.
On Friday, I drove down to Merritt Island to spend the weekend with my friend Lynda. Our plan was to write, write, write. Instead… well, we did write. I managed 1000 words on both weekend days. But again, there was much conversation. And 1000 words are okay numbers, but not NaNo numbers. Today is November 11th and my word count should be closing in on 20,000 words — instead I’m still under 8K. I’m approaching the zone where it’s going to be impossible to catch up. Not there quite yet, but getting close. Oh, well, I’ve been living a good life and that is more important than a word count! And Sunday was a beautiful day, with the kind of perfect Florida weather that has been scarce since I got here. We sat on Lynda’s porch and admired the water and talked for hours. A good day, even without the writing.

I’m also taking a class right now, called Write Better Faster. It’s the course from the book I mentioned a few months ago, called Dear Writer, You Need to Quit. I got so much out of the book that when the class kept appearing in my awareness — Facebook friends taking it, conversations showing up about it in weird places — I decided it was worth a try, and would complement my NaNo efforts nicely. As it happens, I’m no longer thinking it complements NaNo — it’s pretty distracting. But the first week of the class was all personality tests and thinking about writing pain points and how they mesh with and are caused by our personalities. Sadly for me, so far I think I’ve learned I should be an editor not a writer, which is not really the learning I was hoping for. But there are three weeks of the class left to go, so I’m still optimistic. And it is interesting, even if it’s not yet helping me write better and faster.
In other mixed news — is it good or bad, I wonder? — my Kindle Fire is dead. I have no idea what happened to it, but I suspect it might be the charging cable or the connection, since it basically just stopped working and will not start again. I’m sorta bummed about this, because I was playing two games that want regular check-ins. I’m missing my chance to collect dragons and lumber! But it’s undoubtedly going to be good for my productivity to not be able to check in on those games when I am looking for distractions.

And now I need to get on with my Monday. I’m headed back to Sanford today, but I think my major goal for the day is going to be to write a complete to-do list — all those things that I chose not to include in the first paragraph of this blog post! — and start working on checking a few of them off. Dentist appointment, doctor appointment, oil change for the van. Book files updated and uploaded. Newsletter written and sent, etc. etc. etc. At least Monday blog post is checked off! And honestly, I have no regrets. The first ten days of November might not have been nearly as productive as I wanted them to be, but they have been lovely, enjoyable days.
Should, coulda, woulda! I saw this post on my phone and felt compelled to grab the laptop and respond. So kudos on a provocative post!
You know I feel the same way, right? And whether we blame it on the transit of Mercury or the often overwhelming modern life of single ladies it’s all one and the same. Greg would sometimes huff that I was taking him away from his writing when I’d drag him off on adventures, but he always conceded that the adventures and life-living were recharging his creative batteries. And I gotta say from that post that your batteries must be near 100 percent–what an excellent month of living!
As I was driving back to Sanford, I was passing some beautiful wilderness and thinking that I could really use three or four days of total wilderness solitude. My batteries are overflowing! But when the reason the to-do list is too long is because you’re too busy having fun to get to it — well, that’s nothing to complain about, that’s for sure. Wish I could have a few days in your driveway, too, though. March! New Mexico! And then spring in Arcata 🙂
Good call for making that list. When I find myself in a brain fuzz because of so many tasks that I feel I SHOULD be doing, I start making a list and putting it all out there. Doing this will relieve some of the tension and stress and allow you to focus on and prioritize your tasks. Control is such a wonderful feeling! 😉 And yes, enjoying your life is actually more important (to me) than getting the words down. Quality vs. quantity — ALWAYS. Hugs… T
I never did wind up making the list! Maybe I’ll get to it today. So much to do! (I did knock a few of the simpler items off it without making it, fortunately.)
So, cheap hosting… this is the place I’m switching my websites over to: https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net/
I love their philosophy. They keep costs low by not doing affiliate marketing (or any advertising) and also by not providing a bunch of other services you don’t need.
You do sort of have to know what you are doing, but I could help you switch over at some point if you wanted help with it. (I am on week 6 of a 10 week full-time web development class).
That looks well beyond my competence level, but I’m going to talk to a knowledgeable friend about them. Maybe she can help me. Thanks for the tip!
Is Sanford on the ocean side or the gulf side? I am on the gulf side. Also – you probably know you can read anything from your kindle library on a kindle app on your phone.
Ocean side, more or less. Pretty central, really. I”m fairly sure that you live really close to my son. We should meet up when I go visit him! Maybe I’ll check out your writers’ group, it sounds great. As for the phone, I read on my phone all the time, but I just recently downloaded 500 books to a memory card on the Fire. I’ve got no room on my phone for that many books!
I feel ya, sugar, I really do ~ but enjoy the sunsets over the water. And the warmth in weather and loved ones. The list will still be there (believe me ;-)).
So true! There are a few time sensitive things on it, though, that I really do need to take care of sooner rather than later. If I miss a window for some of this paperwork, it’ll be another year before I can deal with it. Not a good plan!