If I could fire myself, I would. I’m such a lousy employee. But what’s the saying? On your deathbed, you’re never going to regret that you didn’t work hard enough? Something like that? I am never going to regret this delightful last week of summer.

It included video games, mini-golf, playing with the puppy, walking an energetic and healthy Zelda, swimming, an outside picnic with burgers on the grill, a quick road trip with my niece to visit my aunt and uncle, looking at old family photos, a trampoline, tetherball, and ice cream. Actually, lots of ice cream, I think I had ice cream three separate times.

I didn’t take many photos and I can’t share the ones I did take, because they almost all include other people. But I don’t think any of the people in this photo would mind me sharing. Well, maybe my sister would — she’s the one wrapped in a towel. But she was so darn cute. We all were. It’s a picture that makes me happy just to see.

an old family photo of my grandmother drying off my sister after a bath, while my mom feeds me a bottle and my aunt sits on the floor. Everyone looks happy.
My grandma, me, my mom, my aunt, my sister. My grandpa called this photo, “Five babes in a bathroom.”

Next stop, Maine, for a quiet month of writing. I’m not looking forward to the drive at all, but very much looking to the sitting still time.