I was going to write a post about my frustration with my camera, because all the pictures I posted in the last several blog posts were taken on my iPhone. Then I realized that it wasn’t that I only took good photos with my phone; it was that I’d screwed up and only looked at the photos imported from my phone, instead of looking at my photos by date.
But I am not going to go back and change my previously posted photos, because that would be confusing. So here are some random photos that if I’d seen earlier, I might have posted.

Great photos … is that first bird photo of a Kingfisher? I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a bill quite as curved as that one. Good luck with your camera — I had to ship Robert’s back to the factory for repair. I took photos with my phone but don’t know how to retrieve them. :/
I don’t know what the bird is, actually! And if your computer has a USB port, you might be able to plug your phone into your computer. On a Mac, it’s almost automatic after that — Photos opens up and you can import the pictures. On a PC, it’s probably trickier, but plugging the phone into the computer is still probably a good starting place.