Three driveways and one familiar state park, with a total travel radius of maybe 40 or 50 miles at best. Not exactly the most adventurous month of my journey. And, in fact, a lot of the month was taken up with the mundane: doctor, dentist, vet, van maintenance, taxes, paperwork… the usual minutiae of life, packed into a hectic few weeks.
But the highlights included games with C and company; Animal Kingdom with my aunt and uncle; multiple meals with relatives; and most especially, the book party celebrating Cici.
Also, some incredibly good meals. It’s a good thing my New Year’s resolutions had nothing to do with losing weight, because January would have been deadly. Grilled pork chops; baked salmon; chicken with a coffee rub; shrimp skewers; chicken with chick peas and orange zest; home-made spaghetti sauce on gluten-free pasta; fantastic chili… plus, of course, all my usual quinoa bowls topped with sous vide protein and Greek yogurt salad dressings. I know I’m not even remembering some of the meals that were delicious in their moments.
The win for the best meal of the month goes to the double pork carnitas tacos, though. Actually, no, I’m going to give the win to breakfast the morning after the double pork carnitas tacos, which was corn tortillas topped with carnitas, a fried egg and a tomatillo salsa. I so wish I could be eating it again. Right now in fact, because at the moment, I’m sitting in a parking lot, in the dark, somewhere near Mobile, Alabama, thinking about my month, and it’s that meal that makes me wistful as I say good-bye to January 2019 and Florida. Time to go find some dinner!
Sounds wonderful!
I got so far behind in my Sarah-time that I am just now reading this. The pork carnita breakfast sounds amazing minus the egg. Not an egg fan.
I move to Florida on 3/11. Hope we can meet up one of these days.