I am exhausted.
I feel like I shouldn’t say that — people are working three jobs, moms with chronic illnesses are dragging themselves out of bed to get their kids to school every day, nurses are ten hours into their 12-hour shifts, 70-year-old Walmart greeters are standing on hard floors for minimum wage… lots and lots of people have more right to be exhausted than I do. But despite my sympathy for all those people, I’m still exhausted.
Fortunately, it won’t last long. I had an extremely busy, very sociable week in Massachusetts, visiting Rockport, Boston, Gloucester, Cape Cod, and Maynard. Lots of movement, lots of driving, lots of talking. My goodness, the talking. I basically went days without talking to anyone but the dog in Canada, so I made up for lost time over the past week.
But now I’m back in Pennsylvania, experimenting with staying in my brother’s guest room (technically my nephew’s room, but he’s not using it at the moment), and planning a reasonably quiet, business-intensive couple of weeks. Lots of writing, lots of file updating, maybe some researching. But probably not so much of all that today, actually. Today I think I’m going to be satisfied with going through my photos, writing this blog post, making a to-do list, and walking the dog. And maybe cooking dinner.
Also, though, taking advantage of real internet to be indiscriminate about the pictures that I liked from the last week.
Alice said:
First…Rest up! Second…Omg!The pics!!! The mist of the crashing waves, ooh, ahh, gasp! You are so talented. The red at the end of the stone pier. Beautiful! Thankyou.
Alice said:
P.S Also love the pic at the bottom page of the browser, footprints on an empy white sand beach and of course any pics with Zelda in them. She is soooo cute.
wyndes said:
Thank you! So nice to have my photos appreciated! I take a lot of them, but try not to post too many (mostly because of my own internet limitations) but sometimes there are just so many I want to share. Including many of my adorable girl!
Judy, Judy, Judy said:
One does get used to silence. I spent 5 years as a massage therapist. 20 to 30 hours a week of no talking. I have not managed to re-create that since then. I still miss the quiet sometimes.
wyndes said:
I’m very good at it. I’ve said before that I think I’d manage solitary confinement without too much difficulty. But put me together with some people after six weeks of silence, and I will talk your ear off!
tehachap said:
Wow… great photos. I can see that lighthouse photo as a basis for a pyramid card… very cool! And the Cape Cod beach photo looks surreal — like a painting. Did I say these were great photos?? LOL They truly are!
wyndes said:
LOL, thanks!
senormoment said:
Wow, I had a pang of jealousy about having time to sort photos!
Then the picture of the lighthouse brought me calm.
Thank you
wyndes said:
I’ve thought about making a photo book for myself of my journey and I immediately get overwhelmed by the thought. I probably have 20,000 photos from the past three years. But photos from the past week are manageable!