June included three driveways, one independent campground (a KOA), and four state parks, three of them in Ohio, one in Michigan. Three states, too — Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan.

Lots of family time, including three different birthday celebrations. Some of it with family where the relationships require multiple hyphens and lots of apostrophes. (I.e, my sister-in-law’s sister’s husband baked some nice gluten-free bread for one celebration; my stepmother’s stepdaughter’s son was a fun conversationalist at another; I very much enjoyed meeting my stepsister’s daughter-in law; and so on.)

But plenty of quieter family time, too: walks with my niece and my aunt; video games with my nephew; gluten-free, healthy lunches with my brother; baking conversations with my SIL.

My favorite campground was definitely Maumee Bay — a beautiful place. But my favorite place to be was definitely my brother’s garden house. I went to sleep Saturday night admiring the sparkle of fireflies against the silhouetted trees, and woke up grateful to be here.


And yes, the blueberries are ripe and delicious!