On Saturday, I texted my friend L and said, “This illness has moved incredibly quickly from ‘maybe I’m sick,’ to ‘Death is inevitable and I can only hope it comes quickly.'”
Yesterday, R called. I said, “Hello,” and he said, “Oh, you don’t sound good.” I said, “Yeah, I thought about calling you earlier, but all I really have to say is ‘whine, whine, whine.’ And now I’m done. How are you?”
So yeah. Whine, whine, whine. Being sick in a van sucks and I would truly like… oh, a real bed, a hot bath, some good drugs — Dayquil would be nice — and another box or two of tissues. And some chicken soup. And Zelda would very much like someone to take her for a walk.
It is oddly peaceful, though. In a house, when I’m sick, I’m always in search of something to help me feel better. The hot bath or a more comfortable pillow, a distraction or a drink. I turn on the television, turn it off again. Pick up a book, put it down again. Walk to the kitchen, go back to the bedroom. Try out the couch for a while, then move to the recliner. It’s a fretful search for comfort. In the van, there’s nothing I can do, except stare out the window and wait to feel better.
So that’s what I’m doing. Waiting to feel better. Fingers crossed that it’s sooner rather than later.
Sorry you’re sick. I can be pretty whiny when I get sick. Staring out the window pondering is probably good medicine.
It’s restful, anyway! But I have to admit that I’m really getting tired of feeling like this. I want to be healthy again!
I do hope what you have going is just a cold and not that dreaded flu bug. Be good to yourself as much as possible. Will be thinking of you and putting out healing thoughts!
Thank you! I am sadly still pretty sick, so I’m not sure what I’ve got. But I’m enough better that I’m walking Zelda again, so probably it’s just a bad cold. Or you’ve got great healing energy flowing my way and it’s helping me get better quickly!