I spent one night at Bald Eagle State Park, and I would happily have stayed there longer. Good walks, good sites, and a great feel to it. It feels very Californian of me to say that it just had good energy, but it did. The campground was almost full, but it didn’t feel crowded, it felt happy. I could smell the smoke from people’s campfires at dawn, because people were really camping there. It wasn’t a parking lot, it was a vacation.
I did very little there: rolled in around 3PM on a day hot enough that I needed to run the AC for the dogs, so I took a couple nice low-energy walks in late afternoon and evening, then a longer walk at dawn the next morning, worked on Grace, then headed out by 10AM to visit my aunt and uncle.
My aunt and I had a nice day wandering around State College, visiting the ArtsFest and the BookFest and the arboretum. (Best part: the arboretum, it’s the perfect time of year to admire plants, and I should have taken more pictures!) I’ll be here in their driveway for a couple of days, with ambitious plans to bake granola, see how my Amazon Prime Day toy works, and keep working on Grace. And, of course, have fun spending time with relatives I don’t see nearly often enough!
What a great time you’re having! Thanks for sharing…
Did you get your granola made? I made some for the first time today. Delicious! Next time I will invest in some parchment paper, though. It stuck to the wax paper a bit.