Not a very clever title, is it? But it’s Monday morning and I’m sick. The dog has been trying plaintively for two hours to get me to take her for a walk and I’m just not up to it. My muscles hurt, my chest is heavy, my throat itches, oxygen isn’t making it through my sinuses… so I have to type. Zelda is smart enough to know that when I’m engaged in any other activity, I *might* be willing to take her for a walk, but when my hands are on the keyboard, I’m working and it’s not going to happen. So writing is, at the moment, a self-defense against a dog who doesn’t understand the difference between a human with a cold and a human who’s being lazy.
I really resent this cold. I’m three plus weeks into the 30-day autoimmune protocol diet, and I have been so, so good. I haven’t cheated once. To the best of my knowledge, not a single bit of any of the forbidden foods has crossed my lips. I say “to the best of my knowledge” because a couple times I used something, then later looked at the ingredient list. Green ginger tea apparently has “natural flavors” in it. I have no idea what those natural flavors might be so maybe they’re okay and maybe they’re not. I stopped drinking ginger tea after I figured that out.
I figured it out because eh. Even before the cold, I wasn’t feeling as good as I had hoped I would. So maybe I need to stick with it longer or maybe I need to up my doses of fermented foods and organ meats or maybe I need to try the FODMAP version… but at the moment, I’m not convinced it’s worth it. On the other hand, I have a cold. I feel like crap. So possibly now is not the best time to be making this call.
The good news of having a cold: I binge-watched Once Upon A Time over the weekend. Just the first season. I don’t think I would have gotten into that show without a need for sleepy sick television, and I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have stuck with it–it gets quite slow during the middle of the season–but I’m happy I did if only for the sake of the story of Red Riding Hood. What a great twist on a fairy tale! I won’t provide spoilers, but watching the whole season was worth it just for the development of that character.
The bad news of having a cold: well, it’s a cold. Sufficient bad news, yeah? But writing just hasn’t been going well at all. I’m not finding Fen’s voice again. I’m going to go back and start the first chapter over–I think it’s the right time, the right place, the right overall experience, but there’s something wrong with it and I think it might be Fen. But I suspect that’s probably not going to happen today. Today feels an awful lot like a lie in front of the television drinking green tea and piling up tissues sort of day, and good news for me, I still have two more seasons of Once Upon a Time to watch.
As for my website redesign… well, I changed the site. But I realized as I spent hour upon hour trying to create materials that would be my “landing page” on the Web, my “portal” to selling my books to new readers, that I really just don’t want to turn my blog into that sort of space. I’ve been posting here off-and-on for eight years and it’s personal, not professional. Changing it, fine. Making it a “sales tool”–nope, not okay with me. So I’ll have to think about that some more, I guess. Maybe I can optimize the Rozelle Press site so that it becomes top of the search results for my author name and then it can be the professional marketing space and this can stay my nice little casual, low-tech, unprofessional corner of the internet.
Tammy said:
Often when making huge changes in your diet you go through a cleanse and feel like crap for some weeks. Stick with it, your body is dumping toxins! It’s a good thing!
sarahwynde said:
Thanks for the encouragement! That’s actually good to know (and I didn’t know it.) A lot of the “heal your gut” literature says that it can take months, but it’s a hard diet to follow. I don’t know that I can make it months. But I’ll persist for a while longer!
myrheille said:
Sorry about you feeling poorly 🙁 We actually started watching Once Upon a Time just yesterday, funny coincidence! We watched the first ten as they aired but the DVR malfunctioned and we just stopped. Can you tell me if any of the first ten episodes are skippable? I remember not being that wowed by the show.
sarahwynde said:
If I hadn’t been sick, I don’t think I would have made it through the first ten episodes but I’m glad I did. It gets better and Season 2–well, once they introduced Hook, I was. (Hooked, that is. Ha. Sorry. Couldn’t resist.)
As for skippable episodes, if you don’t mind being a little confused later (because things do build on one another), I found episode 4 (The Price of Gold), 5 (That Still Small Voice), 8 (Desperate Souls) and 9 (True North) to be … well, appropriate for sick, barely paying attention people. And episode 7 would have lost me for good. But 15 (Red-Handed) was great and after that, I was fully absorbed. I think maybe it took them a while to find their groove, but now it’s like the best combination of a soap opera and a fantasy series–the bad guys are all conflicted and true love can change anyone and it’s just fun & sappy & complicated. Season 2 has great, great characters.
myrheille said:
Awesome, thank you! I remembered True North as being pretty terrible, good to know it pucks up at midseason, and I’ve heard wonderful things about this Hook person 😉
sarahwynde said:
Hook is the perfect bad boy hero/antihero. He’s vain and selfish and flirtatious and villainous (with a great accent and gorgeous eyes and a desperate need for a shave), but then he starts to develop a thing for the heroine and over 2 seasons, he gets a little more reluctantly heroic all the time. I’m sure he’s fated for a bad end, but meanwhile, he’s so much fun to watch. The main characters are basically boring, but the side characters and the villains are great.
Judy, Judy, Judy said:
Sorry that you’re feeling bad. I hate being sick. Hope you feel better soon.
sarahwynde said:
Thanks, Judy! It’s been a rough cold, but it finally seems to be fading away.