A Lonely Magic’s very first review

Needless to say, it made me happy.

I sent out an email to my mailing list late night inviting everyone on it to download a free copy of A Lonely Magic and giving them a link where they could do so plus a code (ARC7679, which will work for the next four days or first 500 downloads). Three people reported me for spam and one person unsubscribed, saying that she had never signed up for my mailing list. Ha. She subscribed on June 2nd. I still have the damn email I sent her. I wanted to email her again today and say “give me my story back, you liar,” but I managed to show the appropriate self-restraint to not do so. Talk about a short memory, though! And seriously, I wish I got such nice spam. Being reported for “abuse” made me feel all icky and slimy and hostile to the world, which was really sort of a sad result of a giveaway that I had been all happy about just a few hours earlier.

I’m trying to make the nice review and some lovely thank-you notes balance out the bad feelings which would probably be easier if it would just stop raining. If I could go outside and turn the butterfly lights on and maybe go for a swim, I’d feel better, I know. Pro side, though, is that Zelda is plastered against me like a fellow sardine in a can. She hates thunder. It is only bearable to her if she can have fur-to-skin contact with a human being. Doggie cuddles, always a good thing. And nice reviews, those are good, too!