So my big task this week is the final proofread of A Lonely Magic. I usually spend about two days reading a book aloud as my final proof. With Time, I wound up starting and stopping about three times before I was done. If any major revisions get made–by which I mean complete paragraphs–I reread at least those chapters a second time, so when I start to find lots of things I want to change, sometimes I need to stop and start over.
With ALM, I’ve already read it aloud once, done a fair number of revisions since then, proofed the whole thing once (in not read-aloud mode) and am now set for the last pass. But this time I’m also recording the audio book at the same time. I thought it would be efficient that way–two birds with one stone. But wow, recording an audio book is tedious. This, however, is my highly efficient recording studio. I’m actually kind of proud of it. Reorganizing the closet was a huge task. Was it worth it? I guess time will tell!
I admire your entrepreneurial spirit!
Ha, thank you! Yes, I’ve gotten very ambitious recently with the number of projects I’m trying.
It sounded at the right pace to me. That’s about the same speed that I read out loud at.
Lovely, thank you!
If you ever need a proofreader, I volunteer my wife. She has only read one book where she didn’t find an error…it’s like a super power! And we love your books!
🙂 Tell her I said if she’d like to be a beta reader, I’d love to add her to my group of beta readers. I’ll even send her the current version of A Lonely Magic if she wants to take a look. She will definitely find mistakes, though–I’ve been finding at least a couple per chapter which is a lot for me at this stage. (My email is sarah at
Will do. She will send you an email!