After all my enthusiasm to get started yesterday, I wound up letting myself get distracted by a whole slew of other things. Worthwhile things, mostly–it wasn’t a day lost to browsing random sites on the internet or falling into the rabbit hole of research for research’s sake–but it didn’t wind up being a productive writing day. I wrote about 300 words total, I think, finishing the scene I was in, but didn’t get started on the next scene.
Mostly that’s because I’m rethinking my climax again: I’ve known all along how I expected this book to end, but I’m not so sure it’s the right ending anymore. I tell myself that I write light, fluffy romances–and I do!–but my books sure do wind up being populated with a lot of dead people. Before I can write much farther, I need to decide, once and for all, who lives and who dies in this one. It’s harder than I expected it to be.
So, today’s goal: 1000 words and some decisions.
A random note: a lovely reviewer on fictionpress specifically mentioned my incredibly minor character, saying “about time she stood up for something.” I was so delighted. This character has existed on the page for literally 2079 words. (Well, technically she does get mentioned a couple times earlier, but those are passing references.) For me, that was enough words to have strong feelings about her, and apparently, they were good enough words for my lovely reader to share my sentiments. Yay!
Definitely “light, fluffy romances” and a “lot of dead people” are not usually found in the same novel together. π
I’m not surprised at all that someone had something to say about one of your minor characters. You write so well that that it’s easier to see the bigger picture AND enjoy the small things at the same time.
Good news. The last of the doctor’s appointments are behind us now for the month. Hubby is healing well and enjoying a stack of puzzles.
So now I can truly dig into my work-in-progress full time for a few weeks. And maybe – just maybe – I’ll have time to post my own blog instead of always commenting on yours. π
That is great news! I truly am not spending a lot of time writing my blog posts — it’s just a good way to gather my thoughts first thing in the morning as I get into the workflow. And the feeling of immediate productivity — aha, I did something, I wrote a blog post! — inspires me to keep going. Usually. Today, not so much. I’m a little stuck.