Welcome home, Lynda! I hope the Supernatural convention was everything you wanted it to be. (Did you get to meet Misha? He seems like such an unbelievable sweetheart.)

I just spent an hour posting all the updated versions of chapters on fictionpress. If you want to try to catch up with the story there, here’s a link for you: http://www.fictionpress.com/s/3036333/1/A-Gift-of-Time

I can also send you a Word doc if you want. I’m not sure which would be easier? I suppose it depends on the type of comments you want to make.

Of course, I’m also making the assumption that we’re going to be beta-reading chapters as we write–do you agree that we’ll be able to push one another better if we’re familiar with our stories as they’re being written or would you rather wait and read at the conclusion?

And onward: writing today will be back with Natalya. I’m feeling bizarrely anxious about starting, I think because I was really enjoying what was going on in my imagination with this scene and I want it to be as good in pixels as it was in my head. Pressure, pressure. But I’m aiming for at least 1000 words today. What’s your goal?

Talk to you soon! (Or, you know, write to you soon. :))