A Gift of Ghosts is on Addicted to EBooks today. (Scroll down. No, more. No, way down. Wow, there are a lot of books in the world, aren’t there?)
I’m trying to remind myself that I’m not supposed to worry about marketing this book. It’s available for sale, and that’s all that needs to happen right now for it to feel like a success to me. Right now I need to be writing Thoughts. If I want to get distracted by another book, I should let it be the one that comes after Thoughts. Sales success isn’t the point, not yet.
And yet, it’s easy to think that. At the moment, it’s impossible to feel it. I have six reviews on Amazon, two from fictionpress readers, two from Critique Circle readers and two from friends & family. I love all of them. Each one makes me happy, each one gives me little bubbles of joy when I look at it. I have no idea why it’s such a big deal. Ghosts had 140 reviews on fictionpress, at least of dozen of which were from the final chapter, so about the whole book. But there’s something really different — oh. Ha. I just realized. It’s the stars. Oh, I’m amused at myself. Five stars feels like an A, and of course, that external locus of validation training springs to the surface. Getting As just feels good.
Ironically, I picked up my final paper for one of my classes yesterday and the person who graded it gave me a 3/5 for writing quality because I used first person and she felt that was inappropriate.I was annoyed until I realized that if someone had said to me, “You can use passive voice and get an A or you can refuse to use passive voice and get a B,” I would have taken the B. And since this wasn’t a difference between an A or a B (I still got an A on the paper), I should probably not complain too much. I wouldn’t write badly for a better grade.
But back to my point, it’s much harder than I expected it to be to let go of Ghosts. I’m trying to tell myself to just let it be, but I found myself browsing indie reviewer book websites this morning.
Updated: Dean Wesley Smith tells me to get back to work. Just what I needed to hear today!