The great thing about conferences is getting totally jazzed about all of the cool things going on in the world of insert conference focus here. This year, I’ve been to Macworld, FlashForward, South by Southwest, and a small branding conference, and every time I come home totally excited to do all sorts of great new things. Then reality sets in and I start answering my email and going to meetings and taking my kiddo to school and walking the dog and generally living real life again.
It feels like a disconnect, a sad disconnect. In reality, though, it’s an opportunity. Conferences expose me to all sorts on new ideas, new technologies–I just need to savor them for what they are and what they bring to my life, but then still appreciate the day-to-day and its virtues. I know for sure that if I had a conference every week my brain would explode!
I should also look into going to some conferences that relate to my personal obsessions. IDA has a conference in November, in Indiana of all places. Not that I want to visit Indiana (in November, I’d happily go there in June) but I can only imagine how excited I would be coming out of three days spent with people whose life is about my son’s experience. That would be cool. And it might be pretty darn cool for him, too.