Up to 25K words on A Lonely Magic and… I’m not even sure how to explain it. I’m completely crazily amusing myself. I love Fen. I love the way she thinks, I love the way she swears, and I love, love, love the experience she’s having.
I don’t want to keep spoiling people who aren’t reading, so I’m not going to post more quotes. But the rough draft is going up on fictionpress in real time–on other words, I’m posting at least 1000 words a day there, so if you want to read it in progress, you can check out the link from my contact page. Oh, and I meant to keep posting it to wattpad, too. Yeah, I forgot about that. But maybe I’ll try. Wattpad actually is a nicer reading experience, except that no one reads anything I post over there, making it not so motivating to make the effort.
Anyway, Fen… I’m pretty sure that if A Lonely Magic keeps its title (it might not) and sells a few copies, one called A Precarious Balance might follow it someday.