

I’m Sarah Wynde (or at least I call myself that sometimes) and this is my home on the web. One of them, anyway.

On this blog, I write about my life, my travels, my camper van/home, my dogs (often!), my kid (occasionally), the food I cook, and the writing I do. If you were hoping to learn more about the books I’ve written, that Book Info link up in the corner will take you to my business site, which I update with exclusively book info so that casual readers can skip all this other stuff.

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What would you like to know?

This is the moment when authors come up with amusing tales of their former identities, world travels, taste in food/beverages, and hobbies, right? Somehow being both humble and interesting, entertaining and inoffensive? Oi, that sounds like a lot of work. And awfully hard when it comes right down to it. But here goes…

Once upon a time, my son (terrific, wonderful, charming, sweet) said to me, “You have become a liberal stereotype, Mom.”

I said, “Is it the yoga?”

He said, “The yoga, the health food, the Jack Russell terrier…”

I said, “But I have 11 maxed-out characters in World of Warcraft and read almost exclusively genre fiction. Don’t my geek credentials save me?”

He said, “Not since you took up knitting.”

I said, “But I’m really bad at knitting and really good at WoW.”

He said, “Point to you.”

That was before I got dog #2 (a long-haired chihuahua) and moved into a camper van so I don’t know whether I am more or less of a stereotype now. If I am, it’s probably more like hippie aunt than soccer mom.

Other random facts: I like to pretend that my chihuahua is part corgi so I don’t have to worry that he’s getting fat — it’s those sturdy corgi bones. My van is named Serenity after the spaceship, although peace of mind is lovely, too. My secret superpower is the ability to protect other people from mosquitoes, which I assume means my blood is particularly delicious. I am therefore grateful that vampires aren’t real.

20 thoughts on “About”

  1. I hope you are doing well. I just wanted to let you know that I am rereading all your books and enjoy them so much! I was going to leave a review (I rarely do that) but apparently I already wrote one! Thank you for your Gift of stories!

    • Thank you! I’m glad you’re enjoying them a second time around — I’m very big on re-reading books, myself, so it always delights me to know that they can be rereads for someone else!

  2. Just read you story ‘GIFT OF GHOST” .Ioved it , enjoyed it so much that I can put it down and from now I m going to read all you books. Thank you for you writing and ..

  3. Binge read “Gift of ‘ books (found first for free on bookbub, see it does work). At end of book three in the package set, it says to get a free copy of the story of how Maggie came to Tassamara to click onto your site and sign up for your newsletter. I can’t find anywhere to do that. Love the characters and stories. Please, how do I sign up? Thanks.

    • Hi, I wish I could email you! I bet you’re looking at the mobile version of the site. The sign-up widget drops way to the very, very bottom, after all the blog posts. On the wider screen version of the site, the sign-up widget is at the top left, under the words “Subscribe to my mailing list”. But if you can’t find either of those, email me at sarah at sarahwynde-dot-com (use the real period for the dot, of course, and omit the dashes) and I can send you the story. I’m glad you enjoyed the books!

  4. Charmaine da Silva said:

    Hi Sarah, i just finished reading the Tassamara box set, and wanted to thank you for a most enjoyable read! I don’t normally do comments or reviews, but I do hope you will continue the series. Love and blessings to you!

    • Thank you so much! I am definitely continuing the series; I’m currently working on Grace’s book and even though it’s taking me forever and ever, I’m not going to give up until she gets her happy ever after. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed them and thanks for letting me know!

  5. Kathy Reed said:

    Are you still offering a free short story about Maggie’s arrival in town? Thank you, Kat Reed

    • Yep! Did you sign up on the front page? I’m supposed to get an email but I don’t think I’ve seen one. But you can also email me directly at Sarah at sarahwynde.com and I’ll send it to you.

  6. Francina said:

    I just discovered your books and finished A Gift of Ghosts. It was awesome and I look forward to reading more of your stories.

  7. Sabrina Spellman said:

    Hello Sarah! I really enjoyed reading Ghosts-you know the one with Abraham Lincoln’s ghost on FictionPress, but also Amazon. Why did you ever take that story down? I like the idea of Abraham Lincoln’s ghost treating Akira like a daughter.

    • Hi, Sabrina, That’s some other book, I’m afraid. I’ve never written anything about Abraham Lincoln. It sounds fun, though — I hope you manage to find it again!

  8. Beverly Nelson said:

    Just finished reading the entire series of Tassara.. I enjoy every one. Looking forward to reading your other books. (Loved the twists and turns with the ‘ve interests.

  9. Donna Smith said:

    Hi. I just wanted to let you know I have read all the books I can find that you have written. I’ve enjoyed them so very much. I have just finished The Gift of Ghost for the second time around. Please let me know when new releases are out. I just love your work and have told my sisters and mom and others about your books so they can enjoy them as well.

  10. Hi Sarah!
    I just finished “Cici and the Curator” and enjoyed it immensely! I hope you share more of her adventures! I enjoy all of your books but this was really fun. I’m so glad you participated in the NaNo(never heard of such a thing!!)! I also look forward to a sequel to “A Lonely Magic” one day.
    Thank you for sharing your stories. Happy holidays and safe travels!

    • Hi, Angela, Thank you so much! I loved Cici — she was much fun to write. And I’m definitely keeping the door open for sequel ideas. Meanwhile, yes, I’m hard at work on Fen’s next book, definitely planning to finish it and release it in 2019! Thanks for reading. Happy New Year!

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