In the eighteen years that I’ve been writing this blog, this is the first time I’ve used that title. Third time for “Time Flies,” though. To be honest, I was a little surprised by that. If you’d asked me to predict how many times I’d used that title, I would have guessed at least five or six. Clichés come so easy.
But wow, time flies when you’re having fun!
A little book-related link. I’m cleaning out my email today — I’ve been having too much fun and let it get out of control again — and came upon an email from these kind people, who featured Practicing Happiness on their site ten days ago when I wasn’t paying any attention to my books or email. They asked me to share their promotion of my promotion (Practicing Happiness was free for a few days) on my social media and I didn’t. But backlinks are helpful, too, for search engine optimization purposes, so here is a link to their site, with thanks to them for sharing my book promotion. Thanks! (And if you like free or cheap books and don’t mind getting more emails, consider signing up at the link.)
As for the fun, let’s see… writing group; Mexican street corn and Filipino cheese ice cream at downtown Sanford’s monthly food truck event; farmer’s market, followed by hanging out on my favorite patio with Sophie, Christina, Greg, and a mangonada (alcohol-free, I didn’t know it was supposed to include tequila!) plus delicious GF cinnamon cake; Disney’s Hollywood Studios with J; hot pot at Hotto Potto; writing with another J; drinks on an outdoor patio with multiple dogs and extra friends; birthday fun and games including Christina’s awesome bacon tacos; birthday fancy dinner with family; Reninger’s outdoor antique mall and flea market; wandering around downtown Mount Dora and being gifted awesome shoes; sushi!; delicious rice bowls; swimming; savoring some time in a jacuzzi; a long walk around Lake Apopka (or maybe near Lake Apopka)… and I’ve probably forgotten some stuff.
Yeah, it’s been a busy few weeks. Sociable and fun, filled with good dog time — Sophie was an angel at the food truck event, I was so proud of her! — and great people time. Lots of lovely weather and interesting activities. Florida is fantastic right now, it’s the perfect time of year. Well, okay, the caterpillars were freaking me out and the mosquitoes are a PITA, but mostly it’s a perfect time of year. Temperatures are supposed to go up to the 90s by Friday, though. Still, fingers crossed, that might mean first beach trip of the year with ocean swimming!
Should I really be working? Well, yes, of course, and I am actually trying to do a lot. All plans still moving forward, one step at a time. But that’s why blogging sort of fell by the wayside — between a busy social life & lots of activities, I just couldn’t do all the things. Fortunately, I figure the first job of a happiness coach working for a business named Choosing Happiness is to choose happiness, so that’s what I’ve been doing.

My drink at the Cantina in Disney’s Hollywood Studios
I was completely surprised by how much I enjoyed the Star Wars area of Disney’s Hollywood Studios. I’m not a huge Star Wars fan, but it was so well done. The rides were great, enough fun that I think Hollywood Studios has actually moved up in my preferred theme park list. I mean I’m not sure what it’s displacing, exactly, but I think I’d probably rather go there than the Magic Kingdom. And Animal Kingdom — well, it holds a special place in my heart, but it also makes me sad because I miss R so intensely when there. So maybe Hollywood Studios is my new favorite theme park. I actually rode on the Twilight Zone’s Tower of Terror ride for the first time ever and loved it!

Look really close and you’ll see a tiny black and white spot in the distance, off on the left side. Sophie Sunshine, loving the running!
Sophie got to play ball in this HUGE open field in Mount Dora. So fun for her to just get to run like mad in a big open space. There was one day in particular where I actually managed to tire her out. That does not often happen. She puts up with inactivity when I’m trying to work, but her preference is definitely to go, go, GO.
If I had made any dumb promises to myself three weeks ago about not posting again until I could share a link to my Choosing Happiness website… well, it’s still not ready. Someday. Maybe even someday soon.
Meanwhile, onward. So much to do, starting with continuing the email clean out. Can I make it back to inbox zero before midnight? It’s a quest!
Bacon taco recipe please!
Bacon taco recipe please!
I will get it from Christina! It’s really pork belly tacos with a tomatillo salsa verde and it is DELICIOUS! You have to really crisp up the meat in the frying stage.