I don’t know if I’ve ever posted a picture of me to my blog before. That seems impossible — it’s a personal blog, surely I’ve got some photos of my actual person on it? Maybe from my trip to the British Virgin Islands, maybe from a birthday celebration somewhere along the way? A Thanksgiving, back in my house in Winter Park? But I really don’t think so. And I’m not feeling quite so curious about the answer that I’m going to waste my time searching, so, voila, perhaps my first ever picture of me posted to my blog. (Or perhaps not.) Posted because I love it.
I love this one, too:
I personally did not take any pictures at our dog training field day yesterday, because I was too busy playing with Sophie, and she was too busy playing. I described her attitude to Suzanne as, “Sophie was not on her best behavior. Too exciting! But she did great.” That pretty much sums it up — she did the jumps, she did the tunnel, she did the balance beam and bouncy ball, she said hello politely to a few of the other dogs, and she sniffed every square inch of grass (<–only a slight exaggeration on that last). She wasn’t stellar at listening and her attitude toward the things she was supposed to circle around can best be summed up as, “why are you wasting my time, my human?” but we had much fun. And I was delighted to find these photos from the instructor in my email last night, so that I will get to be reminded of a really nice day whenever they pop up in my photo stream.
I’ve now wasted about two hours with some wandering thoughts on the North Country Fair, and I’m feeling annoyed with myself, so I think I’m going to move on to more productive ways of spending my day (yes, deleting all those meandering thoughts on the fair!). May all your Mondays be productive — or if not productive, at least pleasant! My advice for myself today: avoid overthinking. π
Great pictures! They capture some happy moments π
They do! I really love the one of the two of us together — I don’t have a lot of photos of me with her, and I was really just trying to get her positioned for the very nice photo just of her (which they also sent me, and which is so much like 1000 other photos of her that I didn’t post it). But the wind was blowing and I was laughing and it makes me happy just to see it.
Good advice for me everyday. Don’t overthink and don’t make everything more complicated than it should be.
Along the way of my two hours of wandering thoughts, I found a study about how wandering thoughts leads to unhappiness. Basically, when we’re thinking, we’re less likely to be happy than when we’re doing, and the more you can be present in the moment you’re in, the more likely you are to be enjoying that moment. If your mind is wandering away from the moment, to thoughts about the moment, to observations about life, whatever, then you’re not going to be as happy as if you’re just experiencing the moment. Fortunately for me, Sophie keeps me in the moment, because when I’m focused on her, I’m not overthinking. But yeah, overthinking is just not helpful in life!