I’m baking granola this morning and my cozy tiny house smells of cinnamon. I don’t have particularly high expectations for how this granola is going to turn out, because the Best By date on my oats was sometime in 2020, I didn’t have any vanilla, and I’m experimenting with the temperatures on my air fryer, but even if it is inedible in the end, it sure smells nice now.
Plus, it’s a Monday morning, not yet 9:30, and I’ve already started with the experimental cooking, so go, me. Shine on, self. It’s always satisfying to start off a new week feeling productive. Although I guess if my granola is truly inedible, my accomplishment won’t feel like much.
That said, nothing is inedible for chickens. If I decide I can’t eat my granola, I will feed it to their royal majesties and the other ladies of the chicken coop and they will be thrilled. Then I will get to have eggs, which is win-win.
Of course, I actually get to have eggs whether or not I feed my granola to the ladies. Egg season is definitely in full swing right now. The chickens pretty much stop laying in December and then in February they start up again. If I’m the person to collect the eggs, I generally bring them into Suzanne’s kitchen where they get washed, put into egg cartons, and stashed on top of the refrigerator until a neighbor or some random passerby knocks on the door and says, “Hey, I see your sign says Eggs.” (Actually, the neighbors say something more like, “Any eggs today?”)
Last week, when Suzanne was away, I had three pleasant egg-related interactions. One was a college-age kid, so young, who was really pleased to get cheap eggs. $4 a dozen is a bargain in Arcata right now. He told me that at the farmer’s market they were $10/dozen. Ouch.
The second was from a nice woman who wanted to know if they were organic. Um, nope, not in the least. They eat our table scraps and we don’t eat exclusively organic, so they don’t either. Also, I’m going to guess that if the chickens started getting sick, and a vet said it was bacterial and antibiotics would help them feel better and save their lives, Suzanne would vote for saving their lives. They are happy chickens, however — they’ve got lots of space, friendly relationships, and regular treats. The woman didn’t wind up buying any eggs, but it was still a pleasant conversation.
The third was from a regular, delighted that eggs were back in season. He told me we had the best eggs in town. I used to be of the belief that an egg was an egg, although I bought expensive eggs because I hoped my extra dollar would mean a better life for the chickens laying them. But now I’m pretty convinced that the ladies of the chicken coop do, in fact, lay really superior eggs, more delicious than your average egg.
Also, they lay very pretty eggs. I have many more than usual in the tiny house today, because Suzanne’s kitchen is in the process of being as disrupted as mine was last week, and I looked at them this morning and thought of Easter. Their royal majesties lay the ones with the greenish tint, while last summer’s new hens must be laying the speckled brown ones. But I wouldn’t even have to dye them to have a nice Easter collection.
My oven timer just beeped, so I think I’ll go check on my granola. And then move on to other things, specifically, writing my next book. I didn’t think this blog post was going to be about eggs and chickens — I thought it was going to be about self-publishing — but you know, eggs and chickens will probably be just as interesting to Future Me. Maybe even more interesting.
Goals for today: 1000 words on A Gift of Sight (possibly to be called A Gift of Touch); a walk with my writing buddy and Sophie; and a delicious meal that might include eggs. May all your Mondays be equally satisfying!
Alice said:
I always enjoy your post even if I don’t comment . I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your latest book. It was great and so nice to reconnect with beloved past characters and now new ones ! Thanks for sharing your life and work .
wyndes said:
Thank you so much! I think part of my Luck inspiration was feeling like Grace and Noah deserved a little more. I’m glad you enjoyed it!
tehachap said:
I have to chuckle here … as I was reading about your possible failure in preparing your granola, I thought, “Feed it to the chickens–they’ll eat anything! And it will probably be a nice treat for them!” LOL So many recipes/ideas that call for an air fryer that I’m thinking I might like to have one.
wyndes said:
If I still had Serenity, I would drive down to visit you and give you mine! I actually don’t like it much. It’s not an improvement over anything I could do with a real oven, and a toaster oven for 20% of the price would have been just as good. It’s very trendy and I suppose if you’re debating between deep-frying foods and air-frying, air-frying would make sense. But I don’t need or want to eat much in the way of fried food and for everything else, a real oven or a real toaster is a better option. But there’s no room for a real oven in the tiny house, so… *shrug*. It’s better than nothing.
Judy said:
Alas I do not like eggs. Never did. I will eat them in things but only if they are not the main ingredient.
I was having a good Monday and it’s been made better with a potential new Gift Of book!
wyndes said:
A long way away! I just started writing, so it’ll be months, at best.
ssheetz0507 said:
Love this article 🙂 You are such a delight!!! I, personally look for fresh eggs any time I can get them. I eat eggs more than anything else. Thank you:)
wyndes said:
Thank you so much! I’m delighted that my egg digression was entertaining. And yes, fresh eggs are the best!
Claudia said:
I’m continually amazed at how you ended up in the perfect place for you! A great friend right next door, chickens in the yard, a tiny house, etc. So awesome 🙂
I live in an apartment, or I’d love to raise chickens. Especially nowadays, since we’re likely going to be start experiencing extreme food shortages the likes none of us has ever before experienced. Crazy times, so it’s nice to hear about little pockets of normalcy.
wyndes said:
I was saying that to Suzanne just the other day! Back in 2015, when I was trying to decide what kind of change I wanted, this was exactly what I hoped to find. I didn’t expect it to be in California and I didn’t expect Suzanne to be the friend next door and the chickens honestly weren’t part of my fantasy — goats, maybe, but I never had any particular interest in chickens — but I do feel incredibly fortunate to have stumbled into the life I’m living now. And grateful to the universe, too!