The title seemed appropriate, but don’t worry, it’s said with irony. Not sarcasm, however.

I’ve decided to shut down my blog. Thank you so much for following my journeys over the years, lovely readers. I appreciate the interest in my life and the comments that have shown your care.

For those of you interested in my fiction, I will post any further updates to my blog at Rozelle Press, my business site. I realize if you go there now the last post will be from April 2020 — time flies when you’re having fun! — but I will update it if and when I have publishing news to announce. I might someday, one never knows.

I won’t be shutting down this site right away, because I’ve got to change the links in the backs of my books. Also, I can’t get rid of the links in books that have been already sold, of course, so this site will probably be sitting here for a while. But I won’t be updating it any more and eventually it will go “poof” and disappear, in the way of all ephemeral things.

That’s okay. All things die eventually and sometimes, it’s just time to let go.

Take care of yourselves!