I’m currently staying in my friend C’s driveway: it’s a comfortable and familiar driveway, so I’m not exactly taking a lot of pictures. I decided to start this post, therefore with a throwback photo from some other November 4th. The only photo I’ve ever taken on November 4th (at least in the era from which I have photos stored on my computer) was of the tree that I had two photos of in my last post.
I thought that was really interesting and kind of cool, and then I realized… today’s not November 4th, it’s the 5th. Oh, well, it’s still a pretty picture of a tree. And in answer to a previous question, I have no idea what kind of tree it is. I hope it manages to survive Pennsylvania’s lanternfly invasion, though. Those bugs were absolutely everywhere when I left PA.
So far, NaNoWriMo is going well for me. My story may make no sense when I’m done, but it’s quite fun and I’m enjoying the serendipity of discovery writing. I resolved when I started that I would never backtrack, no revisions along the way. No such thing as a bad direction (with the exception of my “delete the last three paragraphs” die roll.) Twice already — in the first five days! — I’ve discovered that I’m headed down a path that wasn’t where I meant to go. Instead of “fixing” it, I’ve played along. Honestly, that is so much more fun than revising. A thing to remember for the future, perhaps.
I was going to give you a snippet, because I am amusing myself, but one of my other new NaNo principles is no rereading what I’ve written and it’s hard to find a snippet without reading. Also, a lot of the parts that are most amusing to me are either spoilers or require context. So I will spare you a snippet. But now I will get back to writing, because I’m still aiming to write at least another 1000 words today — along with laundry and dishwashing and cooking prep and a shower and dinner with a friend. My clock is ticking fast!
tehachap said:
LOL… It’s still a gorgeous tree and I bit it’s really something to see when it’s lost all of its leaves and has snow on its branches. Nice! And you sure know how to hook a reader — teasing with the thought of a snippet of your writing and just as quickly you forget the offer and go back to your writing and cooking and … LOL
tehachap said:
I meant to say, I BET it’s really something to see…
wyndes said:
I think texting has taught everyone to read through typos — I knew what you meant! And I’ve never seen it in snow, but I bet it is pretty.
tehachap said:
Arrrgh … so much for not proofing before submitting a comment. I meant to say I BET it’s really nice on
Judy Judy Judy said:
I am not doing so well with Nano but I haven’t given up. I like the story that I have written 3 paragraphs for so far. 😛 I keep thinking – oh there’s a chunk of writing time – and then filling it with something else. ARGH!
wyndes said:
One of the best thing I’ve found are word crawls, where you literally write in tiny chunks, ie 100 words, then go put your laundry in. Write for ten minutes, then go wash any dishes in your sink. Etc. Some of them have stories attached, too, but the basic idea is to write in small increments instead of looking for chunks of time. So much more motivating! Because really, ten minutes right when you get home from work is much easier to think about filling with some words then three hours later in the evening when you’re tired and all you want to do is browse the internet for a while. And then ideally, of course, you start getting into your story and thinking about it all the time and wanting to write it.
Judy said:
Word crawls. i like that. gonna try a 10 minute one right now.
marilynxa said:
I’m doing NaNoWriMo, as well. Yesterday was a negative word count. I had a sketch of an idea which I sent to a friend in the UK to be sure I had my history right. I made the mistake of pulling the whole file into Scrivener, and then as I deleted her comments, I lost words and lost words and lost words…. today, I have to make it up! I am Marilynx on NaNo.
One of my best results was the one labeled Talisman QUest: 1907, which became *Dark Lady*. As well as *Fae Journey*.
wyndes said:
I’m doing my best to not research with this project. No getting sucked into worrying about reality! But I just added you as a buddy. I wish their site was better — it’s not easy to use and the buddy features feel kind of pointless. But you’re doing great, go you! Are you publishing or trying to publish your stories?