Zelda and I went on a three mile hike today, through pine scrub forests and wetlands, along a boardwalk and a bumpy, tree-root-filled dirt path. And some paved road, too. It was glorious. It was not, however, our usual first thing in the morning walk, because a) it was COLD at 7AM, here in Georgia, and b) it was also crazily dark.
Sunrise was at 7:44 AM, which I know because I asked Alexa. That’s actually a solid 32 minutes later than sunrise wherever Alexa thinks I live, which I know because while I was staring out my window at the barely lightening sky, we had this conversation.
Me: Alexa, what time is it?
Alexa: It’s 7:08 AM.
Me: Alexa, what time is sunrise?
Alexa: Sunrise is at 7:12 AM.
Me: So why is it so dark outside?
Alexa: …
Me: Alexa, why is it so dark outside?
Alexa: Sorry, I’m not sure.
Me: Alexa, what time is sunrise in Adel, Georgia?
Alexa: Sunrise is at 7:44 AM.
Me: Wow, that’s weird.
Alexa: …
She is not always the best conversationalist. Still, it’s pretty cool that from the comfort of being buried under my covers — two blankets last night for the first time in months! — I can find out what’s happening with the sky.
Anyway, Z and I wound up taking a quick walk, then coming back to Serenity for breakfast and miscellaneous chores. Well, I did miscellaneous chores. Zelda had a nap. But around lunch time we went for our walk and it was spectacular. Probably about fifty-five degrees, with spring popping up around every corner: those pink flowers, and yellow flowers, but also just the early green leaves starting on bare branches. It made me very happy to be in a spring that felt so spring-like.
And I’m happy to be on the road again, too. I really had a lovely last couple of weeks in Florida: I got to spend time with lots of friends, and finished it off with a couple fun days with family. Movies and interesting food and writing with friends, some great conversations and coffee dates — what more could anyone want? But apparently I also want nature and bird song and for the van to be connected to a safe water supply.
And long walks through interesting terrain, the smell of my neighbors’ campfires, and starry, starry night skies.
Judy, Judy, Judy said:
Sounds lovely. Raining lightening thundering here.
wyndes said:
That’s always fun! It’s cloudy today, but I don’t think storms are in the future. Just gray skies.
Kyla Bendt said:
I love spring!!
That quote matches the picture so perfectly… I don’t know that I’ve ever seen (or noticed) early spring leaves that almost appear to just be floating.
Glad to hear you’re on the road again. Nature and bird songs are wonderful things. 🙂
wyndes said:
Yes, they are! I’m really happy to be out in nature again. Driveways are nice, but there’s a peacefulness about a campground that is very soothing.
tehachap said:
Neat photo of that tree… I love campgrounds… they’re always so peaceful — even with people noises nearby. There’s a nice solitude to them… just remembering being in our RV’s and camping. I do miss it…