I bought this cookbook last week and I’m loving it. I’ve only read as far as the salad section, but I’ve already marked a few recipes to try and also picked up a few techniques to improve my salad dressings. And I tried the fried eggs with vinegar which sounds, let’s face it, disgusting, but was actually quite delicious.
Anyway, just posting this because the Kindle version is currently on sale for $2.99 (which is the version I bought) and is well worth the price if you are interested in cooking and like reading cookbooks. (The image is an Amazon Associates link, so you can click on it to see the book on Amazon.)
I’ll check it out for sure.
Definitely worth $2.99. I’m looking forward to making the squash and chickpea salad, when I’m in a place where I can roast things without baking myself, too.