I have no idea what happened to me yesterday. I didn’t feel well, but I didn’t feel like I was dying or anything either — hmm, I wonder if I ate some gluten recently without realizing? Because around 11AM, I just gave up on the day. I had so many things I wanted to do — yoga, a writer’s group meeting that I’d been planning to go to for weeks, words to write, kitchen to clean… and instead I went back to bed. I didn’t swim or even sit outside, the dogs didn’t get their second walk, I didn’t even think about NaNo. I just read and played Sudoku and napped and then did the same thing all over again.
I want to have had a migraine or something — some excuse for failing the day. But I didn’t.
Today I still feel crappy. Not sick, or not dramatically sick, but not well and definitely not motivated. Energy level: 2. I could get out of bed if I had to and obviously, I am succeeding in writing my blog post, but the dogs haven’t even gotten their first walk today and I would pull the covers over my head if I could. I suspect I will eventually, but first, I am going to at least stare at my Word file for a little while.
On Tuesday, I really wanted a sandwich and I didn’t have one, damn it. If I’m going to have a gluten reaction, I wish I’d at least gotten to enjoy the gluten.
tehachap said:
Sounds like a Fibro fog day to me… I get days like that where I really don’t want to get out of bed. I can’t put my finger on any one thing that hurts so bad as to make me feel as bad as I do, but there it is. My mind has taken an unapproved and undeserved vacation and my body has followed right behind. I can’t wait for the end of the day so I can go to sleep and wake up to a new day and get a crack at getting something (anything) accomplished. I don’t have an allergy to Gluten that I know of, but I do have Fibromyalgia and that can raise all sorts of bizarre and painful situations. I hope you get to feeling more normal real soon. Healing hugs…
sarahwynde said:
I don’t know if you’ve ever tried eliminating gluten from your diet, Carol, but fibromyalgia is one of the conditions that my auto-immune protocol diet is for. I did a wikipedia search on fibromyalgia and it says, “Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) may be an underlying cause of fibromyalgia symptoms. The elimination of gluten from the diet is a potential dietary intervention for clinical improvement.[49][50]”. But yeah, your description sounds exactly right!
tehachap said:
Interesting — I had this fleeting/intuitive thought about gluten a week or so ago and wondered if it had anything to do with some of my physical symptoms. I know my friend Carin Enovijas (who is a writer living in Hawaii) has Lupus AND Fibromyalgia and follows a gluten-free diet. I’m going to see what I can do to test it. Thanks!
Judy Judy Judy said:
I’ve had those days before when I just can’t stay present. Hope tomorrow is better.
sarahwynde said:
Thanks, Judy!