Good words yesterday. I’m not sure how many of them overall, because there was (alas) deleting of some old words that stopped working. But over a thousand, I’m sure of that. And better, I found the story again. The words were a little bit of a muddle — it was a lot of dialog, so there was a lot of ordering and re-ordering the conversation to try to find the way in which it flowed best — but I’m looking forward to working on them again today.
Favorite line(s) from yesterday:
“I’m going to kiss him,” Rose announced. Was that a flicker of his eyelashes, a look of surprise?
“Hey, what?” Dillon protested.
“You are?” Joe and Nadira said at the same moment, in very different tones.
“I am,” Rose repeated. She leaned in a little closer to Cam and said, in her most seductive, most southern voice, “A really good kiss. A kiss like only a southern girl can kiss, long and slow and sweet and…”
And looking that up made me realize that there were fewer words than I thought. But that’s okay, I’m still pleased with what I got done. Today — more words! Also some yoga, some grocery shopping, and maybe the start of some cooking. I thought of a nice Christmas present for my dad (involving cooking) so I have to decide if I want to do that before Thanksgiving. Maybe. It’d be nice for R, too, if I did, and he comes home on Wednesday, yay!
Good luck to all who are writing this week! You can do it!
I won’t get much done today or tomorrow. My daughter is having the same weight loss surgery as I had today and then coming home to recover with me tomorrow.
Oh, good luck to her! I hope all goes smoothly