The words today were few and far between. It’s almost 9:30, and I’d say my total count was around 200, but my end of the day count is more like 20. I’m writing a conversation and I don’t know what happens in it. And playing it by ear is simply not working. It felt like wrong direction after wrong direction after wrong direction today and I kept writing a few sentences and deleting and then wandering around.
There was a lot of wandering away.
But I also did good things today. House-cleaning stuff, business-y stuff, left the house twice, cooked elaborate food, played with the dogs, swam–and so I’m forgiving myself and moving on. I wish the writing had been better but I’m already yawning and it’s not going to happen.
Tomorrow, though, I have nothing important happening until my niece arrives at 5:30 and I am determined to write words. They don’t have to be good words as long as they’re words.
Cheering you on from the sidelines – but not in a short skirt and not obnoxiously.