So I spent the week in Tassamara. And it was lovely.
But, having finished my subscription bonus short story and sent it out to subscribers and then spent a couple hours obsessively checking my email to be sure at least a couple of them liked it enough to tell me so (YES! they did! YAY!), I was so ready to get back to A Lonely Magic.
Point One: Sia Mara and Tassamara? What was I thinking? Two names that are so close are almost sure to be confusing. But… sigh… the name is too solidly in my head now. I don’t think I can change it. Ah, well.
Point Two: Oh, it is so much fun to be back with the Sia Mara. SO fun! I’ve spent the afternoon reading reviews and comments, collecting them for the editing document that I create for every book. It’s a list of changes that I know I need to make and items that I want to check. My usual editing process is to work my way down it before sending the file out to some beta reviewers and creating a second editing list. So this is maybe my alpha editing list? Anyway, I’m reading all the reviews in order to collate all the suggestions people made along the way and make sure that I’ve at least considered them, whether or not I made the change, and it’s been so fun. The number of times people wrote “What a twist!” or “OMG, didn’t see that one coming” pleases me greatly. Sia Mara is just really, really entertaining to me.
Ah, which brings us to the point of this post: if you’re interested in being a beta reader for the next draft–it’ll be at least a week from now, because there’s a lot I want to add–please leave a comment. I know some of you have read the first draft while it’s been happening, so I understand if you don’t want to look at the second version, plus I have every intention of posting more revisions to wattpad, which is much easier if you don’t actually like looking for places to criticize. But if you do like to be critical and would like to read the closer to final draft, please do let me know!
This book is getting a real editor. I’ve hired him already, even sent him some money, but he’s not available until the end of April, so I’ve got about a month to make it as perfect as I can on my own. I’m excited to see how the more-perfect-than-my-own-level-of-perfect process goes.
I am willing to be a beta reader for the draft if you need me. If you don’t, I’d just as soon wait for the final draft. I have really enjoyed the wattpad reads and will continue to read what you post there. I feel like I’m not much help, though. The only real feedback I would have would probably be editing or spelling things which you will catch anyway.
I truly am willing if you need me as a beta reader, though, to try and be more objective and critical as I read.
Just let me know.
Hi sarah. Same here. Will read if you would like me to. But i sort of like giving you money.
Just let me know what you want me to look for. Loved the short story. Thank you. Brought a smile to my face.
Hi Sarah, I am with Judy. Prefer to read final draft or even pay money for the real thing. But if you want readers, I can do it on the weekend. Just let me know what you need me to look for.
sorry sarah, i am anonymous. I typed it in on my phone, but couldn’t get into wordpress to enter my login and password. I didn’t think it ‘took’.
Hi Sarah, are you sending us the book?
When it’s finished, yep, so not for a while. It’ll be the close to final version, instead of a beta version. 🙂
Thanks Sarah, wasn’t trying to rush you, just wondered if there was something I was supposed to be doing. 🙂
All three of you (although Anonymous, you’ll need to tell me your name 🙂 ) can be on my advanced review copy list, so that you get the final version before I post it on Amazon. If you spot any typos, I’ll have time to fix them, but the goal at that point would be for the book to be as perfect as I can possibly make it, so hopefully you will just get to read it and say, yep, looks good!
I would also be glad to read for typos and other simple editing issues if needed. I am really enjoying ‘A Lonely Magic’ and wish to give a little back if possible.
Are you reading it on wattpad or fictionpress, Ken? Because ugh, I totally screwed up wattpad today. Trying to post a revised chapter and I wound up deleting two other chapters. I’m glad there aren’t so many readers that I’m likely to be making people insane and that’s probably the first time I’ve ever been glad about not having very many readers. But that said, my edited version is going up there and I’m hoping it’s improving on the first draft.
(And, of course, yay that you like it! Thank you for telling me so. 🙂 )
Count me in as a beta, if you like, Sarah.
You know continuity is my thing, Spelling only really stands out if I’m writing, plus spellcheck. But egregious errors in words and usage grate like sandpaper on my brain, so yeah, I’d love to beta read. Really though we’ve discussed the continuity errors so far, so unless you’re busy making new ones in your edit, there’s not going to be too much to say.
Oh, I could definitely be making new ones in my edit. It’s a big edit! Lots of new words along with lots of cut words. Plenty of room to be introducing mistakes.
Love your book,s
Thank you so much!