Yesterday’s word count: 519 words.
When I got home last night, my count was at 498. I thought about tagging a bit of dialog with “she said” but decided that was an unnecessary cop-out. Instead, I added a knock on the door. It’s not as much of a plot ninja as it sounds: the bad guy was chasing my heroine and one of the kids and they’d gotten safely behind a door, but I didn’t know what happened next in their conversation. Resolving to keep writing, make the goal, get it done, got me into the next part of the scene. I felt so satisfied with myself at the end of those 21 words. Although not quite so satisfied that I kept writing–I poured myself a glass of wine and watched some Agents of SHIELD instead. 4th episode last night and it might finally be getting good.
Today’s goal: oof. I’m tired, getting off to a very late start and have evening plans for the second day in a row. I think I’ll make it 500 words anyway. I don’t know exactly what’s going to happen–I’m well into the creepy, running-around-a-scary-house-in-the-dark sequence and sort of worried that the word “dark” is being seriously overused–but if I get into it, I hope it’ll get fun. Setting my goal at 250 words is like an implicit promise to myself that I won’t be getting into the writing, so the bigger goal is better. That said, I’m not trying for any 1000 word craziness. I’ve got too much to do and it’s already afternoon!
Judy, Judy, Judy said:
I so admire your tenacity!