I found this dog in my backyard yesterday.
My backyard is fully fenced. The fence is six feet high–although now that I’ve typed that, I kinda want to go stand next to it and see if it’s higher. Suffice to say that, though, that it’s high enough that I can’t look over it. And this dog–this little sweetheart of a dog–was just placidly wandering around inside. No collar, of course, so no tags.
I did the obvious: took him out and encouraged him to go home. He didn’t.
I wandered my neighborhood, asking every one I saw if they recognized him. I talked to kids and grown-ups, neighbors I know and people I’ve never met. It was sorta nice, actually–people are quite friendly when you’re walking around with a lovable stray.
I took him to the vet to see if he had a microchip. I think he recognized the vet’s office. He was quite cheerful about getting there. And two people at the vet’s felt like they knew him but couldn’t come up with a name. No microchip, unfortunately.
I brought him home and made some signs and in absolutely miserable late afternoon, pre-storm humidity, wandered around putting Found Dog notices up. I got pretty cranky during that part. This is a small, slow dog. He could not possibly have wandered far. Why weren’t his owners out looking for him?
I looked online. Checked with one person whose lost dog was a remote maybe. He wasn’t hers. Posted a message and a picture on a local lost dog site. Called Animal Control and filed a found dog report.
And now I wait. It’s been 24 hours and counting now, and I have to believe that somewhere out there an owner’s heart is breaking because he is the sweetest, nicest friendliest little dog. Wherever he came from, he has been well-loved, because he thinks people are just swell, and strange dogs (I’ve got Gizmo again, so two) are new friends, and that snuggling up and getting his ears rubbed is simply his due. Not to mention that he probably ought to go on a diet, he’s well-fed. Plus, his teeth are fantastic–I bet his owner actually brushes them.
Still, wherever that owner is, she had better get her act together soon, because with every passing hour, the evil temptation to go rip down my signs and head off to the pet store to buy him a new collar and tags with my address on them grows stronger.
If he becomes ours, his name will be Mystery.
(I won’t rip down the signs, of course, but I might take the car and start driving around other neighborhoods looking for signs. I don’t understand how he could have gotten into my backyard, but maybe he managed to wander farther than one would expect.)
Judy, Judy, Judy said:
Not sure what happened the first time I submitted this comment – hopefully it’s not hiding out in cyber space somewhere waiting to swoop down and made this a duplicate comment.
My first thought is that some thoughtless person abandoned him over your fence. Second thought is maybe not thoughtless but desperate and having seen you wandering around with your dog.
Third thought is – could he have dug under.
Great dog – I’d be tempted, too.
Mystery is a great name for him.
Sarah Wynde said:
I was walking two of the three dogs (Mystery doesn’t have a collar or leash, so can’t really come with us) and wondering why there were no signs up and I decided that he’d fallen through a time vortex. A long while ago–months and months–there were lots of signs up for a lost dog. Maybe this is him, returned from having been trapped in a time portal. But, more pragmatically, yes, he could have come under the fence. He’s really very small, the gap probably wouldn’t even have required him to squeeze too much. Zelda can get out but she has to make an effort, but Mystery probably just walked right under.
Clever Cherry / Betty aka Judy, Judy, Judy said:
OT – I am the opposite of a tech wiz but I feel particularly stupid because I can not figure out how to reply to other peoples tumblr posts and it doesn’t look like they can respond to mine. How do you have whole conversations there
sarahwynde said:
I’ve had a hard time figuring the icons out, too! So at the bottom of every post, there are three icons: Share, Reblog, and Like. Reblog to add a note. The post will show up in your feed, and the note will show up attached to the original post, too.
Up at the top of your page, the icons are Dashboard, Inbox, Help, Settings, and Logout. Clicking Inbox takes you to a page that lets you send and receive mail, IF your settings allow it. So go to Settings, click on the image of your blog on the left-hand side of the screen, and scroll down to see the settings for Replies and Asks.
(It took me a solid four months to figure out the settings options, so you are not alone in your confusion!)
Judy, Judy, Judy said:
Thanks so much for the help. Saved me months of searching. I did everything except sending mail. I tried to send a test thing to you but it kept telling me that it couldn’t find wyndes.tumblr.com
That, however, is not a feature I figure on needing very often.
sarahwynde said:
That’s weird. I do have it set to let people message me. But whatever, you can always email me directly if you want!