I can never remember when flowers bloom in Florida. It feels as if they’re blooming all year round, but they’re really not. Late April, though, is magnolia season. A few weeks from now, the white petals will turn brown and drop, littering people’s yards with debris that looks like dirty tissues. Not the best look. But a good reminder to appreciate them while they’re beautiful.
30 Tuesday Apr 2013
Posted Florida
In New England, we have dogwood trees that bloom around now. And soon they drop their petals and spring proceeds to lilacs.
Oh, I miss the lilacs. We used to have a row of them in our backyard, basically a wall of bushes separating our yard from the neighbors. For about one week a year, they were incredible, so lush and lovely and aromatic. And then they were gone. You had to appreciate them when you had them. I think that’s something that one gets spoiled about in Florida and in California, where it really is pretty nice most of the time.