OMG, Justified.
OMG, more Justified.
OMG, still more Justified.
I want to write Boyd fanfic. I want to give him a happy ending. I have no idea how an evil white supremacist who clearly can’t stay away from the dark side winds up happy, but I want to try nonetheless.
I want to write Ava fanfic. What the hell is the fanfic community doing? 200 stories and she’s practically ignored? Are you guys insane? She’s beautiful and hot and fundamentally so tragic, and having seen three shows into the first season and about 5 into the second, I want her to have happy. I want her to have babies and fried chicken and contentment and joy. Come on, fanfic community. Give me her happy-ever-after stories.
And Raylan. OMG, Raylan. We hate Winona. Ick. Just ick, ick, ick. We’ve gotten stuck on the robbery because honestly, watching Raylan risk himself to save that selfish creep is just not fun. But Raylan himself? Wow, I just melt.
Um, so yeah. If you’re not watching Justified, you should give it a try. It is television at its best. The language, the poetry, the imagery, the…well, let’s be real, the hormones. Raylan would be fun. Raylan plus Boyd is an estrogen overdose that reminds me of why it’s good to be female. Way, way too much fun.
PS: Anyone out there have a WordPress blog? Do you know how to turn the little traffic counter off? To the best of my knowledge, my blogspot blog had no readers, except for me and Carol and Judy, but this WordPress blog has a creepy little traffic monitor icon and it’s ,,, well, yeah, creepy. Not that I’m not happy to welcome readers (hi, Andrew! hi, Suzanne!) but I don’t want to have to think about it. Someone tell me how to turn that monitor off, please, or at least not have it show up in my toolbar.
Hi Sarah, I will follow you. What are you using to replace ‘reader’? I just started using it a few months ago.
Had a look around. Will try ‘feedly’
Feedly or newsblur seem to be the ones that people are most looking at now. Both services are completely overloaded. Newsblur’s only got about 10,000 users total so a mad influx of thousands of Google Reader users is totally swamping his servers. I’m pretty sure it’s just one guy, based on the dog that an upgrade to premium membership feeds. 🙂 Cute dog, though! But I would expect that within a couple months and well before Google’s July end date, both services will be ready to handle more users. I also suspect Google will backtrack, but I could be wrong about that.
Don’t have a word press blog. Justified is yet another tv program that I’ve heard good things about but haven’t watched. Just can’t get enthused about tv. Just a me thing. I have about 18 movies in my queue and I have had one hanging around the house for weeks waiting for me to watch.