So, Kathy from Kindle-aholic and Stellar Four, posted links to a ThinkGeek donation contest this morning. (Yes, I know that line was link-insane — sorry about that!) If you’re willing to give ThinkGeek your email address, you can pick a classroom at to possibly get a donation.

I’m pretty sure that ThinkGeek is donating $1000 no matter what, so it’s not as if giving them your address has any intrinsic advantage to the outcome — someone’s getting that money — but I picked a classroom anyway, Mrs. DeVille’s ESL elementary in Seattle. If you’re willing to let ThinkGeek have an address, her number is 1627207291, if you’d like to vote for her, too.

Why did I pick her? Um, mostly, because I looked for a Seattle ESL teacher thinking I might find a classroom taught by a friend, and then found this one and really liked her name. Well, or had sympathy for her name, anyway. I wonder how many Cruella jokes she’s heard in her life? And yet she’s listed as a “Mrs.” which probably means that she changed her name, so I wonder what it was originally? Was changing it a hard decision or an easy one? Yep, questions like this are the kinds of thing I can ponder for hours. Anyway, it’s a minor thing, but it only takes a minute to vote, and she, poor teacher, posted her request in November and is almost out of time, with the entire amount to go. And a printer is really a pretty nice thing to have.

I can’t decide whether this is mean of me or not. If you’re from the northern US and in the midst of a major blizzard, you probably want to stop reading now. But I rearranged my bedroom and this is now the view from my bed.

It makes me think that possibly I should be working a little harder toward finding a job that would let me stay in Florida. I’ve mostly been thinking that when R graduates from high school, I’d head off to someplace where I’m more employable. But I should stop taking my palm tree for granted.

On February 7th, Ghosts reached a milestone on Amazon — 100 reviews. I don’t know why 100 is any different than 99, really, but it was somehow a thrilling moment in a pretty rocky week. Onward, upward, back to Time!